Category: <span>Our Torah</span>

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HERITAGE If you were asked to choose the perfect Torah verse to start a child’s Jewish education, what would it be? Perhaps the opening of the Bible? “In the beginning, G-d created Heaven and Earth.” Or maybe, the first of the Ten Commandments? “I am the L-d, Your G-d.” In fact, the Talmud (Succah 42a)...



TAKING THE ARBA MINIM The Arba Minim are taken every day of Succot, except on Shabbat. Whilst there is nothing intrinsically Shabbat-unfriendly about a Lulav, the rabbis of the Talmud decreed, that just like a shofar, a Lulav and Etrog are not taken on Shabbat. The concern is that individuals may carry their Lulav in...

Ha’azinu – Shabbat Shuva

Ha’azinu – Shabbat Shuva

GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY In this week’s parasha Moses calls on heaven and earth to be witnesses to the Jewish people. “Listen, Heaven and I will speak, and hear, Earth, the words of my mouth.” (Devarim 32:1) The Midrash explains that the people are to look to the natural world as symbols of faithfulness to G-d and...

Nitzavim – Vayelech

Nitzavim – Vayelech

STANDING AND WALKING Encapsulated in the titles of this week’s double parasha are two key principles of life. Nitzavim and Veyelech. Standing firm and Walking. There are times when what is required of us is to be firm, principled and resolute. There are other times when what is called for is to be flexible, compliant...

Ki Tavo

Ki Tavo

MONUMENTAL VALUES The controversy over reports of thefts from the British Museum throws into focus the importance of such institutions as being the custodians of the cultural heritage of mankind. Gazing at an ancient monument can give a graphic insight into the world and values of a civilization long past on. The construction of a...