The election of an American President is one of the most important events in the modern world.
We pray that President-Elect Donald Trump will govern wisely in the best interests of his country and the free world.
One concern that has been expressed is – Will President Trump continue to be as loyal to the alliances that have traditionally relied on the USA for support?
In this week’s parasha, we see Abraham demonstrating the quintessence of loyalty.
His nephew, Lot, had accompanied him on his odyssey from Charan to Canaan. Famine in Canaan took them to Egypt. When they left Egypt, both Abraham and Lot had acquired great wealth. But riches caused rifts. Abraham’s shepherds and Lots’ shepherds could no longer get along, so they decided to part company.
Abraham offered Lot the first choice in selecting an area for his camp.
Abraham said: “If you go the left, I will go to the right; if you go to the right, I will go to the left.” (Bereishit 13:9)
Lot saw the well-watered plain of the Jordan, leading to Sodom. He chose this fertile land for his camp, notwithstanding Sodom’s reputation for evil and corruption.
One can only begin to imagine Abraham’s disappointment in Lot. His nephew had been with him in turning his back on the idolatry of their birthplace, Charan. He had been part of Abraham’s pioneering mission to bring a vision of G-d to a world. Yet, when material wealth beckoned, Lot threw in his lot with Sodom.
Although Lot walked out on Abraham, Abraham didn’t walk out on Lot. When Lot was captured as part of the crossfire in the War of the Four Kings against the Five Kings – which included Sodom, Abraham rushed to save Lot without hesitation. He rallied a band of 318 men and was able to defeat the Four Kings, recover the captives and booty they plundered, and, most importantly, rescue his nephew.
The great 19th century commentator, the Malbim, explains that Abraham had already spelled out his total loyalty to Lot in his offer to let Lot choose where to camp. He didn’t say “If you go north, I will go south” but rather “if you go to the left, I will go to the right.” Just as the left and right hand are part of the same body, so, Abraham assured his nephew, that he would always be there for him, wherever he chose to be, both geographically and morally. Abraham would never let his nephew down.
In the past century, the loyalty of the United States of America to its allies has been at the foundation of geopolitics. Even when America has been critical of the policy decisions of its allies, it has continued to provide military and financial support.
Will support for Nato be affected in a Trump presidency? Or Ukraine? Or Israel? At this stage, no-one is certain. Ultimately, we believe that all decisions are in the hand of the Almighty.
As it says in the Book of Proverbs: “…the ruler’s mind is in the L-d’s hands; He directs it to wherever He desires.” (21:1)