

ACCEPTING A CALLING And He called to Moses…. [Vayika 1:1] On only three occasions does the Torah speak of a ‘call’ to Moses and each involves a summons to perform a momentous act. The first call came at the burning bush. Moses is shepherding the flocks of his father-in-law, Jethro, and he and he alights at Mount Horeb (Sinai.) There he sees a bush on fire, but the fire doesn’t seem to consume the bush. Puzzled by this paradoxical phenomenon, Moses approaches the bush to investigate. It is then he receives his first ‘call.’   “G-d called out to Moses from...

Message from Rabbi Yisroel Fine

Message from Rabbi Yisroel Fine

A message to my dear friends at St John’s Wood From Rabbi Yisroel Fine There cannot have been many times in our history when we have voluntarily closed the doors of our shuls. We have suffered the destruction of our shuls through pogroms and persecution, but in living memory we probably have to go back to the abandonment of our shuls in Gaza for us to have relived such a painful experience. Of course, the comparison does not entirely fit. The one was because of the enemy without and the other because of the enemy within. The shuls in Gaza...

A funeral in unprecedented times

A funeral in unprecedented times

We are living in unprecedented times, the elderly people I speak to say it is reminiscent of war time. Most of us were not born then so the comparison is only imaginary. Eerie photos are circulating of usually bustling streets now completely deserted. People don’t know how the next government announcement will change their lives, or for how long. But nothing is as eerie as a funeral with no one in attendance. Family members are in quarantine and friends must stay away. I am returning from officiating at the UK’s first Jewish-religious funeral from the deathly virus at Bushey United...

Rabbinic Team Message

Rabbinic Team Message

Dear Friends We are reaching out during these trying times to you all to say we are thinking of you and available to you and to offer Chizuk, emotional and spiritual support at this unprecedented and most challenging time. Our Rabbinic team wants to be as proactive as possible to help provide assistance, and we remind you of all our phone numbers.  Even if you just want a friendly chat, or have any pastoral needs, please do be in touch with any of us, at any time. Here is a reminder of our email addresses Dayan Binstock – Rebbetzen Rachie Binstock – Rabbi...

Ki Tissa

Ki Tissa

MIND THE GAP! Margaret MacMillan, in her book History’s People, contrasts the role some individuals can play in shaping history and others being swept up in the forces that are prevailing. There is no doubt that Moses was one of the most influential people in history. A tantalising question is how important was the role of a much less-known individual, Chur, who makes a brief appearance in this week’s portion. The medieval commentator, Ibn Ezra, says “we don’t know who he is.” (Shemot 24:14). The Midrash states that he is the son of Miriam and Kalev. What role does he...



A ST. JOHN’S WOOD CHEVRA KADISHA The week in which this parsha of Tetzaveh is read normally coincides with the 7th Adar, the yahrzeit of Moses. It is significant, therefore, that this is the only sidra from the beginning of Exodus to the end of the Torah in which the name of Moses is omitted! His departure from the world is marked by his absence from the Book. There is another association with the death that emerges from this week’s sidra: the bigdei kehuna or the garments of the priests. The original priestly vestments could be worn only by priests...