

PRAYING FOR THOSE WHO ARE UNWELL The Torah goes into great detail in this week’s portion describing an affliction knows as tzara’at. This came upon a person as a result of transgressions such as slander. The practical application of these laws with the different kinds of sores and scabs and burns have ceased to be relevant for thousands of years. Nevertheless, a profound and pertinent detail emerges from the way the sufferer was to conduct himself. The Torah writes: “The afflicted person…shall cloak himself up to the lips and he is to call out: Contaminated, contaminated.” (Vayikra 13:45) In other...

Pesach – Shemini

Pesach – Shemini

THE RIGHT PLACE FOR A LECHAYIM! One stark contrast between our Seder nights and our currently home-based synagogue services is the place of wine. Whilst a fundamental requirement of our Seder was to drink four cups of wine, there is no place for wine or liquor in a regular prayer service, whether held at home or shul. In the sidra of Shemini, which we read two days after Pesach this year, we learn of the episode of Nadav and Avihu, the two older sons of Aaron, who tragically lose their lives as they bring strange fire into the dedication of...