HONOURING G-D AND HONOURING WOMEN Two commands in this week’s parasha go to the core of what it means to be a Jew: “Do not profane My holy name – that I may be sanctified in the midst of the Israelites.” (Vayikra 22:23) What does it mean to sanctify or desecrate G-d’s name? The late Rabbi Lord Sacks explained that a “name” is how we are known to others. G-d’s “name” is therefore His standing in the world. Do people acknowledge Him? Do people respect Him? Do people honour Him? The commands of kiddush HaShem (sanctifying G-d’s Name) and chillul...



SELF HELP Tzedaka or Charity is a cornerstone of Judaism. But equally important is how it is administered. In this week’s parasha we learn that when a farmer harvested his crop, he was obliged to leave a corner of the field (known as pe’ah) for the poor. When he came to reap the grain, if one or two stalks fell to the ground, they were left for the poor. That was called leket. And stray sheaves that were forgotten and left in the field were also the property of the poor (called shichecha.) In times when agriculture was the mainstay...



HIGH STANDARDS To be a Kohen Gadol or High Priest was one of the most challenging roles in all of the Jewish religion. There were demands made of him that did not apply to anyone else in the community. Whereas a regular priest could not marry a woman who had been divorced, a High Priest could only marry a woman who had never been married before. A regular priest would step down from his duties in the wake of a bereavement. He could attend the funeral for one of the seven close relatives: parent, sibling, child and spouse. By contrast,...



THE GREAT SHABBAT Why is this Shabbat called Shabbat HaGadol – ‘the Great Shabbat?’ The first reference to this name is found in Siddur of Rashi, our great medieval commentator (p.171.) He makes the calculation, based on our Sages, that the Exodus took place on a Thursday. Hence, the 10th Nisan that year would have been a Shabbat. This was the time that the Israelites were commanded to take a lamb, the deity of the Egyptians, keep it in their homes for four days and slaughter it. Siddur Rashi cites Midrashim that the Egyptians were seething with rage at the...



RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Earlier this week, New Zealand’s Maori king announced that whales will be recognized as ‘legal persons’ and he hopes that governments will enforce this proposal. While lawyers will ponder over the fascinating legal implications of such a declaration, the king is right to highlight the interdependence we have with the natural world, and that the largest mammals on the planet deserve to be respected. The Torah is also aware of our place in the scheme of creation. According to the Sages, it challenges us as to whether we have the right to automatically assume that we are...