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STRANGERS IN OUR MIDST One of the core commandments of Jewish Ethics is expressed in the verse in this week’s parasha: “Love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” (Devarim 10:19) The medieval work on the Mitzvot, the Sefer HaChinuch, explains that this commandment extends to our supporting refugees who are...



HUMILITY Both Richard Branson in his Virgin Galactic and Jeff Bezos in his Blue Shepherd have commented on the awesome experience of being up in space, looking down at earth. “Nothing could prepare you for the view of Earth from space,” said Branson. “It is one thing to recognise it intellectually,” said Bezos. “It is...



REACHING OUT This coming Motzaei Shabbat, Saturday night, is Tisha B’Av, the fast of the 9th Av. After the Maariv service, we will read the book of Eicha, Lamentations, the prophet Jeremiah’s lament for the destruction of the Temple and the exile of our people. The book begins with the words, Eicha Yashva Vadad, “How...

Football reflections in the 9 days by Rabbi Yoni Golker

Football reflections in the 9 days by Rabbi Yoni Golker

Consoling my 9 year old son, Yosef, after the England game was a very tricky parenting moment! I am sure many can relate….. I’m sure many across the country feel a deep sense of disappointment,  failed dreams, and unmet aspirations…. One of the truly major challenges of parenting, and life in general, is managing expectations...



ACHIEVING OUR GOALS The outstanding performance of England in their semi-final match against Denmark displayed a team that won the nation’s heart. Onwards, now, to the final! Is football coming home at last? The transformation of a group of talented players into a confident team, who gave of their best, has given us all a...